Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh Mis Moscas, Donde Estan Mis Pantalones!?

Life is hard for a Kenyon College student.  Okay, not really.  It's actually pretty easy, but since we all like to complain:   

1.  My Pandora stations are all in Spanish.  Not the music, just the commercials and the writing.  I don't speak Spanish, I never have.  I just woke up one day over the summer and Pandora was all in Spanish, and it's never changed back.  However, when I worked at Pizza Schmizza I did pick up some Spanish slang.  Archie would always say "Oh mis gatos!"  Which actually translates to "Oh my cats!"  I think it means something like "Oh my gosh!" but as many memes and youtube videos have taught me: everything's funnier with a cat.  Sadly, Pandora isn't on my level yet.  Oh mis gatos...

2.  Everyone on campus is complaining about the ladybugs that have infiltrated their rooms.  I would love to have ladybugs in my room!  Instead I have giant horse flies buzzing around; and because I am a woman I am very scared of insects and because I am a college student I don't want to go out and buy fly repellant.  I compromise by spraying the flies with hairspray until they can't move and then sucking them up in my vacuum where they slowly die of asphyxiation.  Some people play sports to get out their aggression, I kill flies. 

3.  Now that I have a single, I no longer wear pants in my room.  This would not be a problem except since I'm pretty sure my suite-mate doesn't want to see me in my underwear, I am becoming a hermit.  A pantsless hermit.  My typical inner monologue is as such, "Hey, I'm really hungry.  Ooooh look!  Popcorn!  I'll just go microwave this and...oh wait...the microwave is in the suite.  Oh well, I'll just watch another episode of Bones."

4.  I do not appreciate the canceling of Phling.  I have some very nice dresses that I never get the opportunity to wear out here in the cornfields, and now the administration is taking away the only chance I have.  So, who wants to volunteer?  I'll be in my room.

5.  Why did the Dairy Queen in Mount Vernon have to close!?  It's not like it has any real competition, and a girl needs her Blizzards.  They even flipped them upside down before they gave them to you, which I have always wanted to do but was too scared.  

6.  Gourdzilla is going to be given away as a prize to the winner of a pumpkin-carving contest.  However, you don't actually get to keep Gourdzilla, you have to carve it.  I can only assume it's because they don't want to have to move it again.  Second place gets 50 dollars.  Anyone else going for second place?  I personally think a better use of Gourdzilla would be to drop him off the top of Peirce and let us all place bets on where the farthest piece of The Zilla will land.

7.  I bought some small pumpkins from Walmart about a week ago so that I could festively decorate my room for Halloween.  They molded within the week and stuck to my wood shelf.  Not only have I learned never to buy pumpkins from Walmart but I'm afraid that my shelves are infused with mold and I'll get fined at the end of the year.

That is all, I'll leave you with your thoughts and some gatos.

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