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When someone asks if you want a solid wall of lava lamps, the answer is always yes. You should also always put legos in vases and light the hallways as if you're walking down the Red Light District.
However, I did learn more than groovy decorating tips during my spring break:
1. Nothing at USC is open before 9AM which makes it totally useless because if I was able to sleep in until 9AM I wouldn't need coffee. USC also literally looks like a five star resort. Walking through campus all I could think was "I don't think we're in Gambier anymore." My hotel room on campus was a bit on the sketchy side though. I actually found an elevator scarier than the ones in Lentz House and Caples combined. Not only did the door close, it opened and closed about ten times before it even moved. I was also greeted by a full six-pack of Bud Light outside my door.
2. If you are organizing a scavenger hunt for your cheerleading team while visiting Disneyland, do not put a unmarked black box in a tree near the entrance, it will be mistaken for a bomb.
3. You can flirt as hard as you want, but the guy at Teavana will not give you a discount on your tea maker, he will recommend a tea that aids in weight loss though. Same goes for the guy guarding the express line at airport security who doesn't care how much you hate waiting. But the concierge at the USC Radisson will get you a discount on your taxi fare.
4. First off, if you don't sing you probably shouldn't audition for musical theater, but if you do you should bring more than one selection. If you don't you'll be stuck singing "Happy Birthday" the only song on earth composed to make everyone sound terrible.
5. Teacups don't travel well.